Thursday, March 20, 2008

Will this not suffice?

At church on Sunday, this verse of "Come Ye Sinners" haunted me.
View him prostrate in the garden;
On the ground your Maker lies!
On the bloody tree behold him;
Sinner will this not suffice?
Indeed I have sinned, but will this not suffice?

Indeed I still reap the repercussions of mistakes I made years ago, but will this not suffice?

Indeed there is a long road ahead of me on the journey of sanctification, but will this not suffice?

Indeed reconciliation takes longer than anyone wants it to, but will this not suffice?

Indeed the world is broken, but will this not suffice?

I'm not exactly sure how a weeping, suffering savior answers all the questions, but it seems at least to meet the questions. There in the garden, Christ provides no answers to the sufferer, but he certainly makes it clear that he is part of the same story. His story has merged with ours tonight, and as we follow his story through Good Friday and Easter we may understand that our story may merge with his.

If that is the case, then would this not indeed suffice?

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